Fibre Copper Data Centres Voice WiFi

It is almost impossible to overstate
the importance of information and
its communication to any business
at the outset of the 21st century,
when the accelerating pace of
change makes it vital to keep
your finger on the pulse.
Call: 01992 807903
Fibre Solutions has been providing, installing and maintaining network infrastructure services for a range of industries, for over 15 years. These include the NHS, aviation, education and businesses, large and small both in the workplace and within data centres, nationwide and beyond. We have a team of trustworthy, dedicated and experienced engineers who are always striving for excellent results and who take pride in the work they produce.

“I would like to forward my thanks to the guys who installed the fibre, their conduct on site, their manner, commitment to the job and the overall quality of work was at a very high standard.”
Peter Legg
System Infrastructure Technician
Unilever Bestfoods UK